Thursday, May 15, 2008

Google Doctype - web developer resource encyclopedia

When I first heard Google launched "Google Doctype" I thought "oh no, Google are creating their own web page DOCTYPEs?" Fortuntely the answer is no.

Google Doctype is an encyclopedia for web developers, containing pretty complete HTML, DOM and CSS references as well as some useful javascript snippets and HOWTOs on security, style, DOM manipulation, etc.

If you have a Google account you can also hit the Edit link, wiki style :)

I'll have to try out this reference with my next web project. I looks like it could save my time trawling through the verbose w3c specs or the poorly designed (but still useful) w3schools site.

1 comment:

Anna Schafer said...

If you have a Google account you can also hit the Edit link, wiki style :)Ruby IDE